I will be reading at the St. Thomas Poetry Series next month, organized by David Kent, and I am very excited about the opportunity to do so. I first happened across the St. Thomas Poetry Series in 1996, when my English professor at the University of Toronto, John Reibetanz, launched a book in the series. That publication, Near Finisterre, is still one of my favourite books, for both the poetry and the wonderfully designed and printed book itself, and I am very pleased that John will also be reading at the event next month. I have attended book launches and readings at St. Thomas’s Church whenever possible over the years, and have enjoyed reading all of the publications that I have collected from the poetry series, especially Richard Greene’s Crossing the Straights and Leif Vaage’s Schooled in Salt. Please join me on November 14th at this wonderful poetry series. Cheers.
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Wednesday, November 14th, 2012
8:00 p.m.
The St. Thomas Poetry Series
St. Thomas’s Church
The Parish Hall
383 Huron Street, Toronto, ON
Please join us for poetry readings by
Carleton Wilson, author of The Material Sublime,
D.S. Martin, author of Poiema,
and John Reibetanz, reading from Common Prayer,
a pamphlet by Jeremy Clarke.
Reception to follow. This is a free event.
This event is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts
and the League of Canadian Poets.